

Beijing Massage Hospital was founded in 1958, affiliated to the China Disabled Persons' Federation, is the birthplace of China's modern medical school for the blind, the National Medical Massage Technology Resource Center for the blind, Beijing's second-class A TCM specialty hospital, Beijing's basic medical care hospital designated hospitals implement the "one hospital and two sites" operation mode. The former Xicheng Hospital is a traditional residential courtyard located at No. 7 Baocang Hutong, Xicheng District, Beijing. The main business departments include massage, acupuncture, rehabilitation, pediatrics, internal medicine, and disease treatment (special clinic), etc. The new Chaoyang Hospital is located at No. 10 Wusheng North Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, with 300 beds. The massage treatment center, rehabilitation treatment center, acupuncture treatment center, pain treatment center, treatment center, children's treatment center, traditional Chinese medicine care center and other industries will be built one after another
We strive to build a professional, large-scale and modern three-level TCM hospital integrating medical treatment, scientific research, teaching and rehabilitation.
The hospital has inherited and carried forward traditional Chinese medicine therapy, taking functional diseases as the main diagnosis and treatment diseases, and carried out integrated treatment of traditional Chinese and Western medicine. After more than 60 years of exploration and practice, it has gradually formed a business pattern based on massage therapy, acupuncture, medicine and physical therapy, and formed a diagnosis and treatment model of "one diagnosis and more treatment". In the neck disease, lumbar disc herniation, scapulohumeral periarthritis, menopause syndrome, menstrual disorders, constipation, children cerebral palsy cancer, children muscle oblique predication and other dozens of diseases in the treatment of remarkable results, the hospital's original "Traditional Chinese medicine massage massage eating method" listed in the representative items of Beijing intangible cultural heritage list.
The hospital adheres to the development strategy of "revitalizing the school through science and education" and has achieved fruitful results in scientific research, teaching and personnel training. At present, the hospital undertakes clinical practice and teaching tasks in Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, School of Special Education of Changchun University, School of Special Education of Beijing Union University, School of Special Education of Zhou Medical College and other institutions. The hospital undertook the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" and "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The "13th Five-Year Plan" Key specialty (Special disease) construction project, undertook the Beijing Natural Science Foundation, Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine Science and Technology project and Beijing Basic County Traditional Chinese Medicine discipline team base construction project, the hospital continued to carry out the work of well-known expert experience inheritance, has trained nearly 100 traditional Chinese medicine specialty heirs. Among them, Wang Youren was named the sixth batch of national old Chinese medicine experts academic experience inheritance work instructor, Wang Youren, Shi Ruihua two old experts were named Beijing old Chinese medicine experts academic experience inheritance work instructor, Beijing traditional Chinese medicine inheritance "double hundred project" instructor, successively approved Wang Youren national famous old Chinese medicine experts inheritance studio construction project. Beijing Traditional Chinese medicine "new fire inheritance 3+3 project" Wang Youren traditional Chinese medicine grassroots inheritance studio, Shi Ruihua traditional Chinese medicine grassroots inheritance studio project.
As the national Medical massage technology resource center for the blind, the hospital undertakes the work of standard formulation, technical guidance and personnel training for the national medical technology for the blind. The hospital has compiled the Basic Standards for the Massage Hospital for the Blind. More than 20 monographs such as "School of Massage", "Succession of Academic Experience Series of well-known experts in Beijing Massage Hospital" and "Operation Specifications for Medical Massage Technology for the Blind" have been published, among which "Operation Specifications for Medical Massage Technology for the Blind" was jointly published by the former Ministry of Health, the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the China Disabled Persons' Federation as the national blind doctor
Professional guidelines for massage therapy. Every year, we train more than a thousand domestic and foreign Chinese massage personnel and professional and technical personnel selected by provincial and municipal disabled persons' Federations. The hospital actively carries out international exchanges and cooperation, disseminates Chinese medicine culture to the world, and carries out academic exchanges and technical cooperation with Switzerland, Ireland, Japan, Croatia and other countries. The hospital has hosted high-level academic conferences such as "the 17th Annual Chinese Massage Conference of the Chinese Society of Traditional Chinese Medicine", "Chinese Massage Development Frontier Forum", "Chinese and Foreign Spinal Manipulation Medicine Beijing Forum", which has promoted the academic exchange of massage technology and clinical development and the internationalization process of modern column manipulation technology. As a window unit organized by the central government to centrally solve the employment of the blind, the hospital always adheres to the people-oriented, the integration of the disabled and the healthy, the medical is humane, the thick and virtuous management of the Bo and the bad actively carries the sacred fertilization given by the state and society, and focuses on showing the spirit of self-improvement of the disabled in China and the outstanding achievements of employment and protection of the visually disabled in China.
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